About Us
move your career on the road to success!
On the Move Career Solutions, LLC is a virtual and mobile career services division. We offer coaching and training programs for career seekers and career changers of all diverse populations. Our goal is to provide individuals with the necessary career development tools and show them how to implement these tools in order to be successful in their careers.
Here at On The Move Career Solutions
Our mission is to move your career on the road to success!
In addition to the services we provide
On the Move Career Solutions has a unique four step model we follow to ensure maximum and successful results.
We provide individual consultations to career seekers and changers in order to determine your career needs.
We provide career seekers and changers with knowledge and a thorough understanding of the types of coaching and training programs that are being offered. These programs are customized to fit your career needs.
We teach career seekers and changers how to implement and incorporate these career development tools in their daily routine.
We encourage, motivate and lead you to the road of success by empowering you with successful career development tools and training.